Getting More From Your Team

AdminPerformance Culture

How to Create a Performance Culture

For small and medium sized businesses to compete in today’s business environment, companies have to be lean, flexible and have ways to ensure the best possible results from their often-stretched employees.

To achieve this, organizations are changing their traditional ways of working; throwing out hierarchical and functionally driven structures in favour of team-based approaches. These newer working styles focus on the empowerment of employees and sharing of leadership responsibilities.

Without the right planning and avenues to collaboration, however, many teams fail to reaching their potential. In the past many smaller, resource-poor organizations did not invest sufficient time, training and thought to lay the groundwork for effective team work.

So how do you ensure a more collaborative approach succeeds? Enter the Team Charter.

The Team Charter is a document that serves as both guidance and a roadmap for a team’s success.

When used most effectively, this tool clarifies the purpose for the team’s existence and documents the agreements amongst the team members. The chartering process has four main elements, sponsoring, developing the game plan, agreeing – signing off and auditing.

By providing a common understanding of how the team runs it’s business and measures its success, you can create a culture of excellence – where each team member has clear goals to aspire to and management gains performance-based metrics by which they can measure success.

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