When organizations invest in talent management strategy that drives higher productivity, and better results, they have a lasting competitive advantage in their people.
Here are some of the KPIs we notice when discussing the merits of improved talent management with our customers:
- Increased productivity: the top performer differential is 2.5 to 10 times that of an average employee (Sullivan, 2008). Other studies of knowledge intensive organizations, like IT or healthcare, have shown that the gain can be as much as a 100 to 200 percent.
- The more top performers you have, the greater the productivity: Hiring better people to fit into the organization and nurturing your existing top talent are key.
- Improved organizational readiness: 70 percent of organizations have an insufficient pipeline of talent for critical jobs (Charan, 2008).
- Lower costs: Implementation of employee and manager talent management self-service processes results in an average 20 percent reduction in HR transaction costs (CedarCrestone, 2008).